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珠海旅游景点介绍英语 珠海旅游景点介绍英语作文
My hometown is in the south of China and it named ZhuHai.It is next to the sea so you can see many fishers.And there is a famous statuary which naemd fishgirl.Also we have a long coastline and named lovers road.It is comfortable that walk with your honey.By the way,there is a shopping mall in the city center,and you can buy many things without tax.
你需要语言水平在那个级别的,专门正式的场合用,还是学校比赛之类的。 你追加下描述,我再帮你写或找。
Zhuhai is a comfortable city on the southern coast of Guangdong province in the People's Republic of China. Located in the Pearl River Delta, Zhuhai borders Jiangmen to the northwest,Zhongshan to the north, and Macau to the south. Zhuhai was one of the original Special Economic Zones established in the 1980s. Zhuhai is also one of China's premier tourist destinations. The city's population is about 1.5 million.
Zhuhai became a city in 1979, a year before it was named as one of the first Special Economic Zones.The Special Economy Zone means that the city will grow as a powerful modern city, science and education city, tourism city, and as a regional center for transportation.
The outstanding geographic location, a wide range of supporting services as a major attraction for foreign investment. Utilized foreign investment reached $10.344 billion in 2008. Among the top 500 enterprises worldwide, 19 of them have investment projects in Zhuhai such as Exxon Mobil, BP, Siemens, Carrefour and Matsushita. Hong Kong is the largest foreign investor in Zhuhai accounting for 22% of total utilized foreign investment in 2002.Due to the reasons above, Zhuhai has achieved so much on economy since 1979. In 2010, the GDP of Zhuhai reached $ 17.854 billion, ranked 11th in Guangdong province.
Zhuhai is also a tourism city, it has a lot of fabulous spots, such as Statue of Fisher Girl, Meixi Royal Stone Archways, Zhuhai Martyrs cemetery, etc. Zhuhai's attractive environment and surrounding landscapes help its reputation within China as a garden city and its quality of life. In 2002, the city attracted 1.3 million international tourists and 3.64 million domestic tourists. The realizes its advantage and is developing new tourist spots such as Hengqin (横琴岛), Dong'ao (东澳), Hebao (荷包), Qi'ao (淇澳岛) and Yeli (野狸).
Zhuhai is such a pretty city that the UN has named it as the Best Model of International Residential Environment Improvement for many years. I love Zhuhai and want to live here forever.
Zhu Hai is a very charming city. The scenery there is very beautiful. People are very friendly. The food is very delicious.
The city of Zhuhai is situated on the coast of Guangdong Province, on the southern/ western side of the Pearl River Estuary, just north of Macau - and just opposite Hong Kong 's Lantau Island - not far from where the Pearl River Estuary empties into the South China Sea. The city of Guangzhou , the inland terminal point of the Pearl River Estuary, lies about 140 kilometers north-northwest of Zhuhai. The city of Zhuhai is one of China's Special Economic Zones (not to be confused with China's Special Administrative Regions such as Chongqing , Beijing , Shanghai , etc.), of which there are a handful. A modern port city, Zhuhai comprises an area of some 7500 square kilometers, or 750,000 hectares (1,853,290 acres), though much of this is water, since Zhuhai administers a number of islands in the Pearl River Delta (Hengqin, Qi'ao, Yeli Islands, etc.), and some even in the South China Sea, such as the extensive Wanshan Archipelago.
Archeological traces of Neolithic Age human settlements have been unearthed in the Zhuhai area dating back some 4000 years (fom the present-day 21st century), or from the beginning of the Bronze Age in China (the "metal" ages did not occur uniformly the planet over, but happened in response to local discoveries and developments - for example, in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq), the Bronze Age began in BCE 2900, circa). The small, nameless fishing village corresponding to present-day Zhuhai is believed to have been under Han Chinese administrative jurisdiction as early as the Qin (BCE 221-207) Dynasty. During the Tang (CE 618-907) Dynasty, the village was given the name Xian gshan Town (Zhuhai is still alternately referred to as Xiangzhou) and was made subordinate to Dongguan County.
Xiangshan Town became an important local salt producer during the Northern Song (CE 960-1127) Dynasty, when it was referred to as Xiangshan Salt Works, and the administrative entity known as Xiangshan continued to consolidate down through the Southern Song (CE 1127-1279) Dynasty, when, in CE 1152, it incorporated the four seaside counties of Dongguan, Nanhai, Panyu and Xinhui. Thereafter the town of Xiangshan seems to have more or less stagnated, having been eclipsed by its larger, more powerful neighbors, Macau, Jiangmen and Guangzhou. In more recent times, Zhuhai County was established in 1953, with Xiangshan Town as its seat, and comprising the Wanshan and Dangan Archipelagos, as well as Sanzao Island. By 1979, numerous smaller islands in the Pearl River Delta were added, and Zhuhai County became Zhuhai Municipality, or the city of Zhuhai. A year later, the administrative entity became a special economic zone. The 2005 census revealed that Greater Zhuhai, i.e., to include all of the islands under its jurisdiction, had over 140 million inhabitants.
The city of Zhuhai proper is a large, bustling but meticulously clean metropolis that is sleekly planned, with the inclusion of many gardens and other green oases, in the typical seaside style of southern China. With its mild climate, Zhuhai is ablaze with colorful flowers, with one species or another in bloom all year round. The city's larger roads are flanked by wide green "lawns" of waving grass on either side, punctuated by flowers in a myriad of colors. The buildings are generally in white, with bright, colorful highlighting, which, together with the seas of green grass, the trees, the brightly colored flowers and the blue of the sea, create an atmosphere of seaside luxury. In 1999, the city of Zhuhai was awarded the "International Award for Best Practices in Improving the Living Environment" by the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements - the first such city in China to receive this honored distinction. Not surprisingly, Zhuhai is also praised by the Western media as one of the Top 10 Best Cities to visit in China.
Some of the city proper's tourist highlights include: the permanent International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition; Zhuhai International Circuit, officially opened in 1996 as China's first Formula-One worthy race track, though it has yet to stage a Formula One event, having in the meantime been edged out by the Shanghai International Circuit (but Zhuhai International Circuit has not given up on its Formula One ambitions! - to learn more about Zhuhai International Circuit, click here); Pearl Amusement Park (to learn more about Pearl Amusement Park, click here); the New Summer Palace (to learn more about the New Summer Palace, click here); the Meixi Memorial Archways, located on the perimeter of the city proper (to learn more about the Meixi Memorial Archways, click here); Zhuhai Ocean World (to learn more about Zhuhai Ocean World, click here); and the Zhuhai Fishing Maiden, Zhuhai's answer to Copenhagen's "Little Mermaid", in Denmark.
Slightly farther afield are Jinzhou Ancient City, the Four Buddhist Mountains Scenic Area, as well as the many islands of the two archipelagos, Wanshan and Dangan, which are a special treat in and of themselves. Lastly, the Zhuhai Film Festival, which is held every other year in the month of June - in even years - has become one of South East Asia's most important cinema fixtures.
省份[简称] 牌照开头字母对应的城市或区县
北京[京] A B(出租车) C E F H G(远郊区县)
A B C (远郊区县) D
A B C E(出租车)
A 直属车辆管理所 B 江南车辆管理分所
C 永川车辆管理所:永川市、江津市、合川市、潼南县、铜梁县、壁山县、大足县、綦江县、荣昌县
F 万州车辆管理所:万州区、梁平县、城口县、巫山县、巫溪县、忠县、开县、奉节县、云阳县
G 涪陵车辆管理所:涪陵区、南川市、垫江县、丰都县、武隆县
H 黔江车辆管理所:黔江区、石柱土家族自治县、秀山土家族苗族自治县、酉阳土家族苗族自治县、彭水苗族土家族自治县
A 石家庄市 B 唐山市 C 秦皇岛市 D 邯郸市 E 邢台市 F 保定市
G 张家口市 H 承德市 J 沧州市 R 廊坊市 T 衡水市
A 太原市 B 大同市 C 阳泉市 D 长治市 E 晋城市 F 朔州市 H 忻州市
J 吕梁地区 K 晋中市 L 临汾市 M 运城市
A 呼和浩特市 B 包头市 C 乌海市 D 赤峰市 E 呼伦贝尔市 F 兴安盟
G 通辽市 H 锡林郭勒盟 J 乌兰察布盟 K 鄂尔多斯市 L 巴彦淖尔盟 M 阿拉善盟
A 沈阳市 B 大连市 C 鞍山市 D 抚顺市 E 本溪市 F 丹东市 G 锦州市
H 营口市 J 阜新市 K 辽阳市 L 盘锦市 M 铁岭市 N 朝阳市 P 葫芦岛市 V 省直机关
A 长春市 B 吉林市 C 四平市 D 辽源市 E 通化市 F 白山市 G 白城市
H 延边朝鲜族自治州 J 松原市
A 哈尔滨市 B 齐齐哈尔市 C 牡丹江市 D 佳木斯市 E 大庆市 F 伊春市
G 鸡西市 H 鹤岗市 J 双鸭山市 K 七台河市 L 松花江地区(已并入哈尔滨市,车牌未改)
M 绥化市 N 黑河市 P 大兴安岭地区 R 农垦系统
A 南京市 B 无锡市 C 徐州市 D 常州市 E 苏州市 F 南通市 G 连云港市
H 淮安市 J 盐城市 K 扬州市 L 镇江市 M 泰州市 N 宿迁市
A 杭州市 B 宁波市 C 温州市 D 绍兴市 E 湖州市 F 嘉兴市 G 金华市
H 衢州市 J 台州市 K 丽水市 L 舟山市
A 合肥市 B 芜湖市 C 蚌埠市 D 淮南市 E 马鞍山市 F 淮北市 G 铜陵市
H 安庆市 J 黄山市 K 阜阳市 L 宿州市 M 滁州市 N 六安市 P 宣城市
Q 巢湖市 R 池州市 S 亳州市
A 福州市 B 莆田市 C 泉州市 D 厦门市 E 漳州市 F 龙岩市 G 三明市
H 南平市 J 宁德市 K 省直系统
A 南昌市 B 赣州市 C 宜春市 D 吉安市 E 上饶市 F 抚州市 G 九江市
H 景德镇市 J 萍乡市 K 新余市 L 鹰潭市 M 南昌,省直系统
A 济南市 B 青岛市 C 淄博市 D 枣庄市 E 东营市 F 烟台市 G 潍坊市
H 济宁市 J 泰安市 K 威海市 L 日照市 M 滨州市 N 德州市 P 聊城市
Q 临沂市 R 菏泽市 S 莱芜市 U 青岛市增补 V 潍坊市增补
A 郑州市 B 开封市 C 洛阳市 D 平顶山市 E 安阳市 F 鹤壁市 G 新乡市
H 焦作市 J 濮阳市 K 许昌市 L 漯河市 M 三门峡市 N 商丘市 P 周口市
Q 驻马店市 R 南阳市 S 信阳市 U 济源市
A 武汉市 B 黄石市 C 十堰市 D 荆州市 E 宜昌市 F 襄樊市 G 鄂州市
H 荆门市 J 黄冈市 K 孝感市 L 咸宁市 M 仙桃市 N 潜江市 P 神农架林区
Q 恩施土家族苗族自治州 R 天门市 S 随州市
A 长沙市 B 株洲市 C 湘潭市 D 衡阳市 E 邵阳市 F 岳阳市 G 张家界市
H 益阳市 J 常德市 K 娄底市 L 郴州市 M 永州市 N 怀化市 U 湘西土家族苗族自治州
A 广州市 B 深圳市 C 珠海市 D 汕头市 E 佛山市 F 韶关市 G 湛江市
H 肇庆市 J 江门市 K 茂名市 L 惠州市 M 梅州市 N 汕尾市 P 河源市
Q 阳江市 R 清远市 S 东莞市 T 中山市 U 潮州市 V 揭阳市 W 云浮市
X 顺德区 Y 南海区 Z 香港澳门进入内地车辆
A 南宁市 B 柳州市 C 桂林市 D 梧州市 E 北海市
F 南宁地区(部分划入南宁市,其它部分成立崇左市)
G 柳州地区(部分划入柳州市,其它部分成立来宾市)
H 桂林地区(已并入桂林市) J 贺州市
K 玉林市 L百色市 M 河池市 N 钦州市 P 防城港市 R 贵港市
A 海口市 B 三亚市
C 琼北车辆管理所:琼山市(已并入海口市)、儋州市、琼海市、万宁市、文昌市、澄迈县、屯昌县、定安县、临高县
D 琼南车辆管理所:五指山市、东方市、白沙黎族自治县、昌江黎族自治县、陵水黎族自治县、乐东黎族自治县、保亭黎族苗族自治县、琼中黎族苗族自治县
E 洋浦开发区
A 成都市 B 绵阳市 C 自贡市 D 攀枝花市 E 泸州市 F 德阳市 H 广元市
J 遂宁市 K 内江市 L 乐山市 M 资阳市 Q 宜宾市 R 南充市 S 达州市
T 雅安市 U 阿坝藏族羌族自治州 V 甘孜藏族自治州 W 凉山彝族自治州
X 广安市 Y 巴中市 Z 眉山市
A 贵阳市 B 六盘水市 C 遵义市 D 铜仁地区 E 黔西南布依族苗族自治州
F 毕节地区G 安顺市 H 黔东南苗族侗族自治州 J 黔南布依族苗族自治州
用英语介绍珠海旅游景点 用英语介绍珠海旅游景点五句话
你需要语言水平在那个级别的,专门正式的场合用,还是学校比赛之类的。 你追加下描述,我再帮你写或找。
Zhuhai is a comfortable city on the southern coast of Guangdong province in the People's Republic of China. Located in the Pearl River Delta, Zhuhai borders Jiangmen to the northwest,Zhongshan to the north, and Macau to the south. Zhuhai was one of the original Special Economic Zones established in the 1980s. Zhuhai is also one of China's premier tourist destinations. The city's population is about 1.5 million.
Zhuhai became a city in 1979, a year before it was named as one of the first Special Economic Zones.The Special Economy Zone means that the city will grow as a powerful modern city, science and education city, tourism city, and as a regional center for transportation.
The outstanding geographic location, a wide range of supporting services as a major attraction for foreign investment. Utilized foreign investment reached $10.344 billion in 2008. Among the top 500 enterprises worldwide, 19 of them have investment projects in Zhuhai such as Exxon Mobil, BP, Siemens, Carrefour and Matsushita. Hong Kong is the largest foreign investor in Zhuhai accounting for 22% of total utilized foreign investment in 2002.Due to the reasons above, Zhuhai has achieved so much on economy since 1979. In 2010, the GDP of Zhuhai reached $ 17.854 billion, ranked 11th in Guangdong province.
Zhuhai is also a tourism city, it has a lot of fabulous spots, such as Statue of Fisher Girl, Meixi Royal Stone Archways, Zhuhai Martyrs cemetery, etc. Zhuhai's attractive environment and surrounding landscapes help its reputation within China as a garden city and its quality of life. In 2002, the city attracted 1.3 million international tourists and 3.64 million domestic tourists. The realizes its advantage and is developing new tourist spots such as Hengqin (横琴岛), Dong'ao (东澳), Hebao (荷包), Qi'ao (淇澳岛) and Yeli (野狸).
Zhuhai is such a pretty city that the UN has named it as the Best Model of International Residential Environment Improvement for many years. I love Zhuhai and want to live here forever.
My hometown is in the south of China and it named ZhuHai.It is next to the sea so you can see many fishers.And there is a famous statuary which naemd fishgirl.Also we have a long coastline and named lovers road.It is comfortable that walk with your honey.By the way,there is a shopping mall in the city center,and you can buy many things without tax.
Brief Introduction to Zhuhai
A newly developed garden-style seaside resort city, Zhuhai is the glistening pearl of the South China Sea. Its name came from its location where the Pearl River flows into the South China Sea. Zhuhai is connected with Macao by highways and with Hong Kong by water, strategically neighboring Xinhui Taishan City in the West and Zhongshan City in the North.
Zhuhai is blessed with a beautiful natural environment and is affectionately known as the City of a Hundred Islands. Its flat land is lined with majestic mountains in the back, overlooking magnificent natural stone structures, powder white beaches, astounding crescent bays and the blue sea dotted with hundreds of small islands. The city’s development and infrastructure exude a strong flavour of a uniquely modern seaside garden .
Zhuhai’s tropical-marine climate records an annual average temperature of 22.3o and an annual rainfall of 1770.4mm.
Zhuhai is also the cradle of many great figures in the history of China, such as the first Cabinet Prime Minister Of China,Tang Shaoyi, the first Chairman of All China Federation of Trade Unions, Lim Weimin, the first Principal of Tsinghua School (now Tsinghua University), Tang Anguo, the first Chinese student to earn a Doctorate in the USA and the first Assistant Ambassador to the USA, Rong Hong, Tang Yanqu who is referred to as China’s first entrepreneur, Xu Run, founder of Shanghai’s first hospital Renji Hospital, China’s first World Champion, Rong Guotuan ,Champion of the 25th World Table Tennis Championship, and numerous other distinguished figures in modern China.
Major Events
Zhuhai hosts the highly anticipated biennial China International Aviation and Aerospace Expo. Zhuhai’s International Motor Racing Circuit is also the location where many international races are held each year.
Major Tourist Attractions
Some of the major attractions include the grand cultural site of the New Yuan Ming Palace, the Four Great Buddhist Mountains, the Pearl Land, Jiuzhou City, Zhuhai Fisher Girl, Zhuxian Cave, Water World of Baiteng Lake, Golden Sand Beach, aquariums, Ocean Park, and Mount Banzhang.
Zhuhai has a comprehensive traffic network, enhancing the convenience of traveling locally and abroad. Gongbei Port is linked to Macau by land. Jiuzhou Port provides quick and easy access to Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Guangzhou within 90 minutes.
Together with the world-class Zhuhai airport, a convenient network of land, sea and air transportation has been in shape. The Gangzhuao Bridge that links Zhuhai, Hong Kong, and Macau, Guangzhu Railway and Guangzhu Highway, and the Pearl Delta City Light Rail are in under construction to further boost its infrastructure.
Our Zhuhai is one of the four special economic zones,Kyushu is the pride of the city, where beautiful scenery, is a unique scenic spots and historical sites!Every year, attracted many Chinese and foreign tourists!Zhuhai Welcome!